Why I hesitate every time I tell someone “I’m in eLearning”.

TechnologyWhy I hesitate every time I tell someone “I’m in eLearning”.

Why I hesitate every time I tell someone “I’m in eLearning”.


– “Oh cool, you’re like coursera?”…umm not quite.

– “I wanted to study English but never have time, do you have trainers?”…umm no.

– “Oh cool, like Khan Academy?”…not quite.

– “e-what?”…(my favorite one)

 And then I have to explain: “actually we’re in the design of eLearning; we do custom courses and specialize in Learning Experience Design…”

That’s when things get really interesting:

– “ah so, you build apps?”…sometimes…

– “you’re like trainers? Do you work with schools?”…we’ve worked with a few schools, and some businesses, NGOs, training centers, etc…

– “So you do explainer videos?”…also sometimes

Oh my, why can’t I seem to explain to non-industry folk what it is that we do at Kashida? Open any ‘entrepreneurship’ advice page and you’ll most likely read the following: “If you can’t explain what you do in one sentence, you’ve got a problem.”

So, I do have this sentence:

“We work with other businesses to design and develop the learning experience that fits their needs!”

But I actually started writing this piece because I’d like to explain all the things that we do to achieve that one sentence. What business are we in? We’re in many things:

– We’re in gap analysis: identifying organizational and learning needs.

– We’re in research and consultancy: applying, developing, and testing learning strategies

– We’re in design: designing for best user/learner experiences including UX and UI.

– We’re in production: we will build whatever is necessary for the learning experience to meet its objective, be it videos, infographics, interactive objects, simulations, blogs, visuals, and much more

– We’re in human-centric approaches: we follow design-thinking and learning experience design processes, and test them with our learners first.

So, yes, the simple answer is: I’m in eLearning.

But our mission is to give everyone the opportunity to learn, simply, and that means each solution is different and catered to the individual needs of unique learners!

It may not sound simple at first, but that’s just another reason why I love it!

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